We tackle a new problem of multi-view camera and subject registration in the bird's eye view (BEV) without pre-given camera calibration. This is a very challenging problem since its only input is several RGB images from different first-person views (FPVs) for a multi-person scene, without the BEV image and the calibration of the FPVs, while the output is a unified plane with the localization and orientation of both the subjects and cameras in a BEV. We propose an end-to-end framework solving this problem, whose main idea can be divided into following parts: i) creating a view-transform subject detection module to transform the FPV to a virtual BEV including localization and orientation of each pedestrian, ii) deriving a geometric transformation based method to estimate camera localization and view direction, i.e., the camera registration in a unified BEV, iii) making use of spatial and appearance information to aggregate the subjects into the unified BEV. We collect a new large-scale synthetic dataset with rich annotations for evaluation. The experimental results show the remarkable effectiveness of our proposed method.
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Accurate airway extraction from computed tomography (CT) images is a critical step for planning navigation bronchoscopy and quantitative assessment of airway-related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The existing methods are challenging to sufficiently segment the airway, especially the high-generation airway, with the constraint of the limited label and cannot meet the clinical use in COPD. We propose a novel two-stage 3D contextual transformer-based U-Net for airway segmentation using CT images. The method consists of two stages, performing initial and refined airway segmentation. The two-stage model shares the same subnetwork with different airway masks as input. Contextual transformer block is performed both in the encoder and decoder path of the subnetwork to finish high-quality airway segmentation effectively. In the first stage, the total airway mask and CT images are provided to the subnetwork, and the intrapulmonary airway mask and corresponding CT scans to the subnetwork in the second stage. Then the predictions of the two-stage method are merged as the final prediction. Extensive experiments were performed on in-house and multiple public datasets. Quantitative and qualitative analysis demonstrate that our proposed method extracted much more branches and lengths of the tree while accomplishing state-of-the-art airway segmentation performance. The code is available at https://github.com/zhaozsq/airway_segmentation.
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In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for ground plane normal estimation of wheeled vehicles. In practice, the ground plane is dynamically changed due to braking and unstable road surface. As a result, the vehicle pose, especially the pitch angle, is oscillating from subtle to obvious. Thus, estimating ground plane normal is meaningful since it can be encoded to improve the robustness of various autonomous driving tasks (e.g., 3D object detection, road surface reconstruction, and trajectory planning). Our proposed method only uses odometry as input and estimates accurate ground plane normal vectors in real time. Particularly, it fully utilizes the underlying connection between the ego pose odometry (ego-motion) and its nearby ground plane. Built on that, an Invariant Extended Kalman Filter (IEKF) is designed to estimate the normal vector in the sensor's coordinate. Thus, our proposed method is simple yet efficient and supports both camera- and inertial-based odometry algorithms. Its usability and the marked improvement of robustness are validated through multiple experiments on public datasets. For instance, we achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on KITTI dataset with the estimated vector error of 0.39{\deg}. Our code is available at github.com/manymuch/ground_normal_filter.
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Person re-identification plays a significant role in realistic scenarios due to its various applications in public security and video surveillance. Recently, leveraging the supervised or semi-unsupervised learning paradigms, which benefits from the large-scale datasets and strong computing performance, has achieved a competitive performance on a specific target domain. However, when Re-ID models are directly deployed in a new domain without target samples, they always suffer from considerable performance degradation and poor domain generalization. To address this challenge, we propose a Deep Multimodal Fusion network to elaborate rich semantic knowledge for assisting in representation learning during the pre-training. Importantly, a multimodal fusion strategy is introduced to translate the features of different modalities into the common space, which can significantly boost generalization capability of Re-ID model. As for the fine-tuning stage, a realistic dataset is adopted to fine-tune the pre-trained model for better distribution alignment with real-world data. Comprehensive experiments on benchmarks demonstrate that our method can significantly outperform previous domain generalization or meta-learning methods with a clear margin. Our source code will also be publicly available at https://github.com/JeremyXSC/DMF.
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3D表面的复杂性通常会导致表面降解中的尖端点云降解(PCD)模型,包括残余噪声,错误地被错误的几何细节。尽管使用多尺度贴片来编码点的几何形状已成为PCD中的共同智慧,但我们发现,根据有关嘈杂点的几何信息,提取的多尺度特征的简单聚合无法自适应地利用适当的比例信息。它导致表面降解,尤其是对于接近边缘和复杂曲面上的点的点。我们提出了一个有趣的问题 - 如果采用多尺度的几何感知信息来指导网络利用多尺度信息,可以消除严重的表面降解问题吗?为了回答它,我们提出了一个为多尺度补丁定制的多关型denoising网络(MODNET)。首先,我们通过补丁功能编码器提取三个量表补丁的低级特征。其次,一个多尺度感知模块设计用于嵌入每个刻度功能的多尺度几何信息,并回归多尺度权重,以指导多关机deoising位移。第三,一个多偏移解码器会回归三个比例偏移,这些缩放量偏移以多尺度权重为指导,以通过适应性加权来预测最终位移。实验表明,我们的方法在合成和实范围的数据集上都实现了新的最新性能。
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随着对用户数据隐私的越来越关注,联合学习(FL)已被开发为在边缘设备上训练机器学习模型的独特培训范式,而无需访问敏感数据。传统的FL和现有方法直接在云服务器的同一型号和培训设备的所有边缘上采用聚合方法。尽管这些方法保护了数据隐私,但它们不能具有模型异质性,甚至忽略了异质的计算能力,也可以忽略陡峭的沟通成本。在本文中,我们目的是将资源感知的FL汇总为从边缘模型中提取的本地知识的集合,而不是汇总每个本地模型的权重,然后将其蒸馏成一个强大的全局知识,作为服务器模型通过知识蒸馏。通过深入的相互学习,将本地模型和全球知识提取到很小的知识网络中。这种知识提取使Edge客户端可以部署资源感知模型并执行多模型知识融合,同时保持沟通效率和模型异质性。经验结果表明,在异质数据和模型中的通信成本和概括性能方面,我们的方法比现有的FL算法有了显着改善。我们的方法将VGG-11的沟通成本降低了102美元$ \ times $和Resnet-32,当培训Resnet-20作为知识网络时,最多可达30美元$ \ times $。
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创伤性脑损伤(TBI)患者的脑网络分析对于其意识水平评估和预后评估至关重要,这需要分割某些意识相关的大脑区域。但是,由于很难收集TBI患者的手动注释的MR扫描,因此很难构建TBI分割模型。数据增强技术可用于缓解数据稀缺问题。但是,常规数据增强策略(例如空间和强度转化)无法模仿创伤性大脑中的变形和病变,这限制了后续分割任务的性能。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一种名为TBIGA的新型医学图像授课模型,以通过配对的脑标签图合成TBI MR扫描。我们的TBIGAN方法的主要优势在于,它可以同时生成TBI图像和相应的标签映射,这在以前的医学图像的先前涂上方法中尚未实现。我们首先按照粗到细节的方式在边缘信息的指导下生成成分的图像,然后将合成强度图像用作标签上填充的先验。此外,我们引入了基于注册的模板增强管道,以增加合成图像对的多样性并增强数据增强能力。实验结果表明,提出的TBIGAN方法可以产生具有高质量和有效标签图的足够合成的TBI图像,这可以大大改善与替代方案相比的2D和3D创伤性脑部分割性能。
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两阶段探测器在3D对象检测中已广受欢迎。大多数两阶段的3D检测器都使用网格点,体素电网或第二阶段的ROI特征提取的采样关键点。但是,这种方法在处理不均匀分布和稀疏的室外点方面效率低下。本文在三个方面解决了这个问题。 1)动态点聚集。我们建议补丁搜索以快速在本地区域中为每个3D提案搜索点。然后,将最远的体素采样采样用于均匀采样点。特别是,体素尺寸沿距离变化,以适应点的不均匀分布。 2)Ro-Graph Poling。我们在采样点上构建本地图,以通过迭代消息传递更好地模型上下文信息和地雷关系。 3)视觉功能增强。我们引入了一种简单而有效的融合策略,以补偿具有有限语义提示的稀疏激光雷达点。基于这些模块,我们将图形R-CNN构建为第二阶段,可以将其应用于现有的一阶段检测器,以始终如一地提高检测性能。广泛的实验表明,图R-CNN的表现优于最新的3D检测模型,而Kitti和Waymo Open DataSet的差距很大。我们在Kitti Bev汽车检测排行榜上排名第一。代码将在\ url {https://github.com/nightmare-n/graphrcnn}上找到。
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